Sunday, March 02, 2008

I want to be a vagabond

I am hating school right now; I cannot wait for May final day of high school and my last day of the semester! I hate this semester, this school year so much in comparison to last year. I have what seems like way more pressure on me, i don't do well under pressure...( i just thought of the queen song)...

This year has just sucked, last year i think i got a taste of what college courses can be like when you don't get tons of homework, and that has tainted the rest of my life. Now i'm getting hit with whopping assignments on the freaking weekend. The weekend is a sacred time when i try my darndest to not think about school. But no, my writing professor (who is young and new to this profession) thinks she can just change things around. I hope everyone gives her bad reviews at the end so she HAS TO change the way she teaches; kick the habit before it gets worse.

Anyways, i had so much more fun last year. I am so freaking ready for spring break it's not even funny. I think (if i have any spare time) i'll just go hold up in a hotel room for a couple days and write poetry, sleep...maybe even *dun, dun, dun* read a book. Alternate plans consist of overhauling my bedroom. It's currently devoured by clothes, which is funny cause i wouldn't say i own a lot of clothes.

I am so ready to walk up on that platform and turn my little tassle and kiss kennedy goodbye!!

I am looking forward to the changes that come with may be the start of the rest of my life, but the change of scenery is what i'm looking forward to, even if it means going into tons of debt, living on my own and struggling a little bit. It's all a great big adventure to me; all adventures have their scary moments, and their rough spots. I'm just ready for that adventure, - i haven't had one in a while : )

That's part of my need to move out on my own, go to school, Study abroad (hopefully in Paris!). I just need to see the world, because after my second graduation i might not get to do that that often.

I want to be a vagabond and a nomad...for at least 2 years of my life.