Friday, July 06, 2018

The Failure in Every Story

Think about stories. Every story has a series of ups and downs, and if it's really good, some of them will make you hold your breath until you know what happens next. Will June get to Canada? Will Frodo make it up Mt. Doom? Will Harry live through a battle with He Who Shall Not Be Named? Will Bella ever grow a personality?

Somewhere in history, this universal truth was discovered that every tale has archs and valleys, moments of victory and moments that look like failure. The thing that's interesting is that stories go on from the low points.

Have you ever seen a movie that ended on a moment of failure? I have, and I always feel so frustrated that a writer would be so focused on the lowness of life; passing up on their moment to tell a truly inspiring story of rising above, of getting up again from a fall.

I've had a lot of failure moments in my life that at the time feel like the poignant end to a really disappointing story. Only it hasn't ended that way.

Now I'll always be the first to acknowledge that not every life's story is allowed to end on a note of perseverance. We know that some lives are taken too soon, some end their lives too soon and it's hard to understand.

In some ways, this is to be a message of hope to combat feelings of failure: This isn't the end of the story.

You see, in every narrative there is a moment when the protagonist musters up the courage to move forward, even if only a shred of it. When the wind is knocked out of them, they catch their breath (which is only human to do, after all) and then they give it another go, this time perhaps with a different understanding and a different drive. Sometimes it leads to another hill and valley, other times to their triumphant scaling of a high summit.

To experience failures and victories is human, and it simply means we are living. We can choose the paths of least resistance, the smallest inclines and attempt to avoid difficulty and failure...or we can enjoy the trek for all it is, and learn from it along the way.

Take heart, this is only a moment in the journey and there is much ahead.