Monday, March 31, 2008

It'll pay off someday,...or not!

That whole, "it'll pay of later" thing - yeah, pretty much crap! That's what my parents always tell me when i start to get burnt out on school. Then i thought about, and i think that's a bunch of crap. It bothers me that i have to sit through a bunch of crap classes like my business writing class, because someone else wants me to. It won't pay of later.

I am going into photography, I basically already came to terms with the idea of dying poor. I don't care, although debt is different. That's the key here that bothers me; I don't want to die with debt for my stupid writing classes where i write 5-10 page research papers for only my teachers to read. Dying poor, ok - dying with worthless college debt, stupid!

And I get writing a research article for a paper or magazine, but for only your teacher? It's a giant waste of time. I am actually starting to feel slightly guilty for killing trees with the mounds of paper i've wasted writing papers for all my stupid classes at normandale that have been nothing to me, nor will be anything to me besides someone else giving me what they consider valid training to be paid far too little to live these days. That is how i feel about school and how "it will pay off". If i'm lucky, i'll pay off.

And yet, it's classes like my business writing class that slowly but surely kill my dream of ever being a columnist or published writer of some kind.