Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Too Many Brain Trains

Can anyone else read without processing? I can literally read out loud, and have a whole other thought process going on. It happens a lot. Part of why I don't like to read much.

I just got hit with this in a different form. I was typing up something I had hand written in a notebook, and I went back because I thought I missed something, but really I typed it and don't remember because I wasn't paying attention. No typos, no errors. Nothing.

Is this some sick form of ADD? What is this? Seriously curious if anyone else has this problem that plagues me.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

A Loving Set of Arms

The other day, I thought up a charity. I've never particularly had a dream to start one, but I have always wondered what it would look like to work with an orphanage. I wouldn't just want to do a short-term mission with an orphanage, I think it would kill me to never see those kids again, and to feel like I only gave them something that would pass: my time.

It really came to me when I was thinking about how I have all these really cherished stuffed animals that I don't just want to give to a thrift store, or throw away. I'm sure there are other sentiMENTAL shmucks like me out there, who wouldn't mind if they knew their friends (Danielle Lou, I'm lookin' at you) had a good set of loving arms to sleep with at night. And for some reason I thought, I bet there are tons of kids in the world who never have that very favorite stuffed animal, and yet as an adult I got rid of half of my 30-40-some stuffed animals, and the other half all hold some special place in my heart.

What if there was a way to sanitize them (get rid of bed-bugs or whatever else might be there), and send them to kids in places in the world where they are not fortunate enough. It might sound really stupid to someone, but I think it'd be really freaking awesome.

People who donate could write the stories and names of the stuffed animal(s) they're donating, and the kids would receive them, in their language.

Stuffed animals might seem like a really stupid thing to make a charity out of, but having that really treasured thing to comfort, sounds like a really nice idea to me. Likes TOMS shoes but with teddy bears.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Ink on Skin

We've got bigger problems
Than ink on skin,
Like how do we get out
of this judgmental funk we're in,
In a time when we need love the most,
We're stuck in a rut
Where all we do is boast
Of the minimal things that we do right,
When the important things
Require a fight,
What is it that we cherish anymore,
If money and power don't count,
What is this life worth to us,
If not to what we amount,
I begin to wonder,
If we'll ever let go,
Of the differences between us,
And finally come to know,
How to really love another,
With selflessness of heart,
At least I know,
That there was a start.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Oh! Darling

Today, I must've been a slight bit more confident. I don't know what it is, but I went a little out of my comfort zone.

See, usually I'm a really big wimp; I have no guts. When I do, I usually feel really stupid afterward. This afternoon, the really good-looking french customer came in. I heard him and his friend speaking french, but never have the guts to say anything because I haven't had a class in a year! It's stupid, but true. And pronunciation becomes much harder when speaking to a native speaker!

Anyways, today he came in alone, and we had no other customers. I was in a good enough mood, feeling confident so I asked him. We talked just a little about it, and when he took his coffee and left saying "bye" or something, I said "au revoir!". Ahhhh, if that man asked me to marry him and I could never burp out loud again, I'd agree in a heartbeat. So cute. He has a really docile air about him; just seems soft-spoken, and sweet. Anyways, we'll see if I get the guts up to speak more french, perhaps "salut, comment ca va? moi? ca va bien, merci. qu'est-ce que vous voulez?" haha. Who knows.

Then! My parents were going out to eat with my aunt and uncle from Canada. They decided on Famous Daves in uptown because they have live music and dancing. Supposed to be swing, it wasn't completely. Anyways, when I got home from work, I decided to put on a dress and get real gussied up. Hair, make-up, shoes, dress, - the whole shebang. My mom asked after a while, if I'd want to dance (with my dad). I didn't want to because I'm a horrible dancer! Then he asked, and I couldn't say no. So we waited for a good song, and I was horrible. But it was fun. But I was HORRIBLE. Hahaha. I need legit lessons, not just being led.

So then my parents went, and I was watching, laughing cause it was cute to see. Then the guy sitting in front of me alone, who had been sharing a female partner with his friend, asked if i'd like to dance. I looked at him, and said "I'm not a good dancer." Hahaha, the best part, the fool looked at me and said, "Ah, me neither, come on..." and so I did. Me! I danced with a perfect stranger!! He was cute, seemed harmless, and I kind of couldn't resist. Haha. It was fun, but I say the fool because he underestimated how not good I meant when I said, "not good". But he led a lot better than my dad...(shhhhhsh, don't tell anyone. haha).

I left shocked at myself for doing that. I've never danced with a stranger! But maybe it was the dress, or the stomach full of barbeque, who knows! But I do know that I'm not like this every day, - I think I'd be afraid of myself if I was!

Thursday, July 01, 2010

Klutzy, Awkward, & ADD

I am definitely a bit out of my mind right now. Not been sleeping the best on account of that crazy harsh sunburn I got on tuesday. So yesterday and today at work were interesting. I spilled a lot of unnecessary things, dropped a lot of empty cups, started and did not finish tasks. It's been two rather off days in a row. I mean, some of that happens on a regular basis, I can't say it's completely abnormal for me to be klutzy, awkward, and ADD...but yesterday and today were especially special. Ha.

I'm slightly concerned that I should have someone (with a medical license) look at the burns on my legs. I'm concerned.

I have to go fight a ticket, but I don't want to. I hate it! Government official people, they highly intimidate me. I mean, I've done it several times before (haha...) and every time it's gone alright. They usually give you a break just for showing up. And even though I didn't have my tabs on my car, I did purchase them before I got the ticket. So we'll see.

I gotta get cleaned up though, because I figure in this weird state of awkward I'm in, I should at least not smell like coffee, nor should I have coffee stained clothes on. To the shower!