Sunday, June 17, 2012

Actually Growing Up & the Dreaded "What Now?"

Adulthood is real. I always thought it was a myth; some sort of mystical plateau that I would never reach - though in reality, I know I will likely never stopping thinking bodily functions are laughable, I digress already - but I'm starting to feel it arriving. I'm starting to feel like I can say, "Kids these days". So...

I've devised a list of things that have occurred this year to lead me to believe I am actually growing up:
- survived 8 plane ride; visiting 2 new continents
- spent 6 months away from my mom (& dog)
- shared my faith when the time felt right
- read all of the Psalms
- achieved a handful of lifelong dreams (though, young yet I may be)
- swam in the ocean
- kissed a real irishman (*blush* it's kind of a great story i'll tell you sometime if you like)
- became a legal drinker
- worked on a paper days in advance
- worked on a project days in advance
- packed for moving...days in advance
- fasted sugar, cheese, & meat for 21 days
- went to bed at a decent hour (sometimes)
- actually read (some) assigned lit books
- made a chapbook (1)
- bought at least 14 bottles of wine
- walked in college graduation
- very nervously winged a toast at a good friend's wedding

I'm sure there are more things that I should/could add to the list, but these are what came to mind. Things that felt like little stepping milestones. It's starting to occur to me that I'm kind of an adult...and it's weird. At the same time as having any sort of conscious realization of such a fact psychs me out, it makes me feel like the world is my oyster!

The first thing people say when you tell them you graduated college is "Congratulations!" (you say "Thanks!"), the second is, "Now what are you going to do?" Well, if I knew the answer to that, I'd be set, but who ever does? I'm okay with that. Because the possibilities are endless. The things on the list above, most of them are things I never, ever thought I would do - even packing to move days in advance - but I did them. So "now what?" who knows! But if I have half as much fun as I did in the last year or so of my life, in the next one I am more than happy to take it as it comes.