Friday, July 31, 2009

I look at the world & notice it's turning...

I did not have the energy for the white board tonight. My nerves and emotions could not handle it tonight; today was a great day.

I'm currently sipping soy milk and eating chocolate covered soy nuts, listening to the Beatles' "While My Guitar Gently Weeps".

Silk, to be exact. I've been craving it for a couple weeks, but I've been trying to deplete my regular milk so that I have reason to buy some. I finally just gave in. Yummmm.

Chocolate covered soy nuts, I have to thank my grandma for showing me them. She's a health nut, and they are her "candy" so to speak. I'd agree, they are so yummy. Go check em out at Rainbow if you don't believe me.

I've heard it ("gently weeps"), but not for a long time until my boss, Jon and I were discussing music and he happened to have a compilation CD, so I put it on my iPod. I have to say it's my favorite song off that CD, though I couldn't really tell you why. I just love it. It's really not a quiet song, but it relaxes me. It's probably the rhythm of the music verses their singing.

I worked today, which was short but good as it always is. I fed one envelope every 35 seconds into a printer for a couple minutes, not to mention I got one of my boss' famously wonderful choco-chip cookies, fresh! Then I got off early, and...

I went to Oake on the Water, hosted by the Cities97 D.J. Brian Oake. The guest was A Fine Frenzy, which I loooove! So I was pretty stoked to go. I went up to meet her after, and got a picture!! So cool.

Then I came home, chilled out a bit. Went to have coffee with Carrie at my favorite Dunn Bros, and who is there, but my favorite D.J. Brian Oake!! Just ask carrie, I was like way to happy. Haha, but I didn't go talk to him, cause I kinda felt weird about it. I felt like either he wouldn't want extra attention drawn to him after a day full of it, or I'd say something dumb like "I think you're my music soulmate!" I just thought it was waaayyy too cool that Brian Oake got coffee at my favorite Mpls hang out!

Then Carrie and I went for a walk, on this beautiful night. And hung out and talked. Now I'm eating choco-covered soy nuts. Can't complain about today!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Airing My Brain Before Bed

I now better understand the term "sour grape(s)"...

Today made it seem like possibly the rest of the week could be better than last week. I think not knowing what a lot of things will be in a little over a month, is stressing me out. I've felt really stressed for a while, but I don't have a ton to be stressed about. I think it mostly comes down to 2 things: a place to live/roommates, and money to pay for the place to live.

Not only is apartment searching pretty much one of my least favorite things to do, but it's slim pickings. Then there's the money aspect, if I could afford to, I'd move out right now. I practically waste this apartment anyways, I'm gone so much.

Ughhh, there I go again. I'm letting myself worry TOO much, which does nothing but make me miserable...and complain. Haha, my poor mother. I've been thinking about this since late May. And wasting my nerves.

I just need to find a way to chill, and be at peace. The stuff always works out in the end, and I won't be completely miserable if I have to move home for a semester.

Saturday, July 25, 2009


Don't you trivialize my feelings,
When we're standing under fractured ceilings,
I don't claim to know what everything means,
But I know what it means to me,
And that's okay if you don't want to be,
Someone who takes things personally,
But I'd rather be the way I am,
Than live life and not give a damn,
Cause if I was numb to everything,
Life wouldn't be worth living,
And if I could choose when I'd hurt,
Of course! I'd learn to divert,
The crumbling of my ethereal heart,
And every piece of this world,
From falling apart,
In your presence,
But if I could,
Don't you think,
I would've thought,
Of that by now?

I am supposed to leave all the jagged pieces,
And never tell a soul,
Because if I leave them untouched long enough,
They'll again become a whole,
A hardened, thickened version,
Of my very core,
Prepared for the jabs of this world,
While still always sore,

Surely I see the logic in this,
The soft hearted are but weak ones,
Always trampled underfoot,
They should cauterize each wound,
And leave it,
A heart covered in soot!

For having a soft heart,
Is useless, but a target on this earth,
Because everyone will throw a dart,
Because no one sees its worth.