Monday, December 18, 2006

Ground...wait, what's it called?

Oh, grounded! Yeah i am grounded. I didn't call soon enough when i was out late, so my parents are being parenting happy (mostly my mom) and she thinks she's discovering new techniques. It's sort of annoying at this point in my life. Oh well! It made me laugh, literally. Cause well, i woke up and rolled over thinking it was sort of bright out, "i wonder what time it is..." oops! It's 12:19pm and i was supposed to be at school by 11:00 am. So i had to envitably call myself in cause i knew i was already not on good terms with my mom. Well, i called myself in and noticed a little packet on the white board with my name on it. It was those little yellow notes that are lined. She wrote on those which was just not fun, 7 pages! lol, so i discover i'm grounded and i just committed the cardinal sin, calling myself in to school! lol, It gets better, so i'm not allowed on myspace, facebook, email, or the phone. Or out of the house. So i took the note, re-taped it, and put it back up on the whiteboard. Straightened my hair and left the house for the library because Jaison was home and awake, AND on the computer, so i couldn't check it one last time at home claiming innocence. So i snuck out and i'm doing everything here. Wow! Feels good to get off my chest. So i won't be on here again til wednesday...torture. I think i'll survive, that's why i laughed when i found out! lol So this is me being mischevious, calling myself into school, going "out" when i'm grounded, and going on the internet. lol. Technically calling my school was against the rules too...ok i'm done. hehe...

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Random Thoughts of the Evening...or Early Morning

I'm so fricking happy that this semester is inches away from over. French, well i never have to have that teacher again! THANK GOD!! Evil lady can take her political opinions and...well, anyways, um Freshman comp was fun. I liked it, despite my total hate for writing papers! was just really fun, and i get to have Diane (my prof.; she gets called that cause i respect her) for american lit!! I also will have world civs with madges, sarah, brooke, and possibly david and nicole! That class will rock my socks!! I'm super excited. I better have some cute guys in it though or i'm gonna die. I'm just going to be stuck, and it's going to rhyme intended...speaking of rhyming, i should do my poetry homework...gots to go!