Wednesday, March 12, 2008

I feel really crazy: Dedicated to Sylvester, my boo-boo butt

Damn, I'm going to miss that cat. He was my kitty in the beginning. My dad brought home two black cats on a whim one august just before my 7th birthday. One was to be my brother Shayne's, he named it Onyx (cause he's more creative than me), and the other was mine and I named him sylvester because i am apparently unoriginal. Anyways, Onyx died i think when he wasn't even a year old. He was most likely poisoned.

Sylvester has lived some long, happy, pampered years. He was probably more loved than most cats, but then again it's all relative. My family will all be devastated when they find out. He got really sick right around christmas. I was the one to drive him to the hospital because he was vomitting after he had nothing come up, and he was crying like i've never heard a cat cry. It was an awful experience. My mom had to take my aunt & uncle to the mall, i remember being appalled because no one seemed to care and the cat was seriously ill. I completely bundled him in a blanket and drove him to the vet, sobbing. At one point, i had to blink hard driving down the freeway because i couldn't see. I thought he was dying, he was just so miserable. We got him taken care of, and a million medications for him (i know, heavily medicating a cat seems absurd, but we really love him).

He seemed to get back to his old self, whining his little butt off every time he wanted to eat, which was every 20 minutes i swear. He had the most personality i think i've ever seen in a cat. Although i feel really bad, i don't think he would care. Which makes me laugh now. He had the most choosy attitude i've seen in a cat, too.

I felt awful because for the last year or so, i haven't had allergy meds. I've been on allergy meds since at least 6th grade. I didn't even know how badly i was allergic til our insurance ran out. I almost never held him because it was such a disaster to deal with my symptoms. I held him on saturday, which i'm really happy about cause i'd go weeks without holding him. He was one hell of a nuisance, but he was the best cat anyone could ask for. And i don't care if i'm a sap for crying for an hour now, and for blogging this long of a blog over my cat; he was freaking awesome and that's that. You can't have a little hairy person who speaks a different language live with you for 10 years and not talk about him and cry after he dies unexpectedly. It just sucks. I think for that reason, I don't think i'll ever get another cat. Too much to live up to. Probably the same after Roxi goes.

My family used to joke about getting him stuffed, we'll wait and see if anyone actually proposes that one (yes, i can still laugh as always).