Tuesday, March 24, 2009

My Monday Monday

Today was an interesting day. It was rainy, I slept with my window open (as I do from the moment it hits a steady 45 to the time it hits a steady 76) and I woke up to the sound of rain. It sounded much more fierce than it actually was. Though, being a lowly college student barely hanging on with my part time job, I don't own an umbrella. The thought of stealing one from my parents (and they're might collection of all 3 they might have) has not occurred to me yet apparently. Thankfully, I'm the kind of girl who goes to school with her hair wet and curly anyways so the rain didn't really effect my hair. My gray sweatshirt, on the other hand, was completely speckled though not a solid wet.

I haven't figured out the tunnels yet, and unlike my driving I don't want to get lost at school, so I walked above ground. I'd wait about 4 minutes for another bus to essentially drop me off at the door, but I feel like that's so lazy, so I walk across campus. I like my morning power walk, it's nice; helps me wake up a bit more before class. So I trekked across campus in the rain, with no umbrella or jacket. Trekked back to my 3rd class, but thankfully it was not raining then.

I found my way home after that class, and it was still dreary, but again, not raining. I needed to take the dog out for a potty-walk (she literally pees a bit, then starts walking...and keeps peeing, but that's beside the point). I rather like this kind of weather. It's a nice chill, it's not cold like winter but moist, and also very windy! We were starting our normal route, when I decided to take her down by the stone arch bridge because it's the nearest scenic walking place within, well, walking distance. Usually, with my schedule on Mondays Rox doesn't get long walks (no rhyme intended), but today I was in the mood.

She was so darn cute! She was just trotting along like a little show dog, except with the same dopey grin on her face and her tail flailing from side to side, which she does when utterly content. She just kept on prancing, and would look up at me until I noticed. It was with either complete gratitude and excitement to be hanging out, or a quizzical look to demonstrate some nagging question she could only express via body language. She switched between the two. When we had to jay walk across the street (I hate waiting for those lights), I had to get her excited to run with me. As she ran next to me, giddy like a puppy she grabbed her retractable leash in her mouth! She never does that, it was just too funny to me. Then when we stopped, she just looked up confused as to why we weren't playing that fun game anymore.

I had so much fun. Usually I bring my camera, and the bridge was empty and looked so beautiful with the eerie misty city in the background so I was disappointed. But it was fun to watch Roxi, as she made up for it with her whimsy. She stopped, and curiously put her feet up on the edge of the bridge, and poked her head between the bars of the railing to look down. She pulled it out then looked up at me confused. Haha, it was priceless!

Then I biked to my night class! It was awesome! I forgot how riding a bike is after not having ridden in a long time, because I hadn't! My butt hurts already. I think I'm going to keep biking when I'm in the mood, or maybe all the time cause I liked it. Riding in traffic wasn't so scary, either. I didn't however have any bus encounters. That'll scare me no matter how long I've been riding!

Lastly, I got to go out to Bethel and visit my lover! Hehe, we had our good in-depth talking portion, as well as our fair share of giggles that usually ensue the first 2 hours. Driving home, I just thought about what a lovely day it was. And now it is going to end as lovely as it does these days, SLEEP!