Saturday, March 07, 2009

El Papa...(LOL)

I realized yesterday that my last note was a bit dramatic. Not that this excuses it, but sometimes you're just having a bad day (or in my case, week) you have to blow off a little steam. I tend to do this more dramatically if left to myself, haha.

I'm currently sitting at a coffee shop with carrie, and in front of us is a giant cup that is a fountain, an overflowing cup. It has all these quotes on it. An ironic one for this moment:

"our greatest glory consists not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall"
- confucius

I just had a mildly crappy week, it wasn't horrible, just when things are really dull and then crap keeps getting thrown your way all the while, it can feel much worse than it is.

So yesterday night I had to work, I was not all that excited about. On my way home, i really wanted to rent a movie, so i rented pineapple express to just laugh at something stupid. My brother was going to stop over to pick something up from me. we chatted a bit, and i quote "you've got to stop putting your emotions on your facebook status...", ha I love his advice. He left not too long later, I watched my movie and I relaxed, it was beautiful.

Tonight, I have to work again, except tonight is the mother-son dance :) I get to look at cute guys all dressed up! Haha, this should be interesting.