Tuesday, March 10, 2009

In Retrospect: I Still Don't Know

It's been a while, and I'm not sure I made the right choice. Sometimes it hurts, but for which reasons I'm not sure. It's never easy to let go of a friend. I think back to some of the stuff, and it still hurts. Still. That's not good. That's when I think I made the right choice. But then I can equally think back on the good times, and it hurts too. Because I've cut that out of my life. It's hard to cherish the good times, when it's past and no one else shares in those. I guess it came down to did the good outweigh the bad? Was the toll that all of that "stuff" took on me, the scars it left worth it? I still don't even know the answer to that question. I was hurt a lot, and it was a fairly constant stream, but I'm usually the type to try and look passed that, so this was so unlike me. I still don't know. It's always hard to look back and wonder what life would be like after all this time if I had done something completely different.