Sunday, March 01, 2009

Crumbly Cookies

It has been quite the boring week this week. Interestingly boring, that is. Ah, but there is yet sunday for something to make this week. I sound so dramatic, like my life is deadly boring. It's not, it's a little...but not deadly.

Let's see, reflecting upon my blah week. Well, there was the documentary we watched in Doc. Cinema on Monday. It was about this kid who's life was really screwed up and he started cross-dressing at a really young age and knew he was gay. It was super trippy and depressing.

Tuesday I'm pretty positive ABSOLUTELY nothing happened. I went to class. I don't even remember tuesday. Ha, that sounds bad...

Wednesday, Madge & I hung out. We got dinner and coffee. This is a trend amongst my friends and I. I'd cook for us, but I think they are afraid of that, lol.

Thursday was the snow storm. Walking to class I slipped on a patch of ice covered in a good 4 inches of snow and fell on the left side of my butt. That should be a lovely bruise. Later that night I decided to take a bath! I swear I hadn't take one since I was like 8 or something. Haha, too bad our tub is really short...didn't really ponder the bath idea that long. I forgot I actually own a rubber-ducky.

Friday was carrie & my crazy uptown experience. I earned another bruise wacking my hip-bone into the granite table top we sat at in the coffee-bar. That was extremely painful.

Today, I had my car jump-started by a local AAA company. Haha, the guy was probably in his 30's or 40's and made the most conversation with me I've had someone I've just met make in a long time (just to give an idea we talked politics, haha)! I'm pretty sure he was interested...which was awkward, but also just funny. I had a good laugh with that one after he left. "Where is home?" LOL Ooooooh gosh.

Then I went home, it had almost been a whole week! I was so proud of myself because I didn't even notice til I already got home. I ate dinner with Shayne and my parents, avec the usual shayne and my witty comments that slide right past my mom and dad. Oh the fun we have.

Then I got to see Sara! I always find it so funny how alike we are, but still totally different. I always enjoy our spastic, slightly judgmental conversations that we probably shouldn't be having in public. She is awesome :) enough said!

Nothing extremely eventful, but lots of little things to make me laugh this week. More than even these. That's how the cookie crumbles.