Friday, February 20, 2009

Thursday Thoughts

I have not been very motivated to do homework lately. I did some tonight, but it was blogging for my journalism class. I was going to crack down on my french...go figure we had NO assignments today.

I took a pretty sweet power nap today. I would've slept longer, but it probably would've only made me more tired. I slept a grand total of 16 minutes. It was weird cause I woke up and it felt like I passed out! I was awake instantly, but I didn't remember falling asleep. It was a really awesome nap! Rejuvenating in a short amount of time.

I'm psyched out by my brother's 23 birthday! He's getting so grown up, haha! He'll probably get offended in one of two ways, but I don't even know why it's weird.

I have had a hankering to take a bath. I haven't taken a bath since I was like 9. Honestly, I have not since then. I probably shouldn't when I'm so tired though, haha. I shouldn't even joke!

I thought I drove to bloomington and back enough times last week but by sunday night this week i will have made, trips to or from, 8 times. Last week, I don't even know, I think I was there 5 days out of 7? Too much! Haha.

That's all the interesting thoughts I have before I hit the hay. Signing off...