Monday, February 23, 2009

A Reccuring Theme, I Deduct

Saturday night, after a day of watching 5, yes, 5! oscar nominees in (essentially) a straight shot, I talked with my parents for a while, then headed home at a lovely 2 in the morning. Our back lot was full, which upset me because I thought that we had a reserved parking spot for our apartment. I had to park on the street. I probably finally fell asleep, cozy in my own little bed at 3. 

The next morning I barely crawled out of bed in time for church. For as much as I love sleep, I really like going to my new found church! I put on my coat in a hurry, after stuffing my cell phone in my hoodie-pocket. As I walked out the door, I looked down the street to see the plows coming my way. We're not a snow emergency street, but I was already late so I didn't want to get stuck behind the plow trucks. I ran out to my car, hopped in and beat the trucks! 

When I got to church I dug through the chaos that is my purse to turn my phone on silent. I couldn't find it, but kept digging, eventually coming to the conclusion I must've left it at home, and hoping that if I was wrong I wouldn't get a phone call during church! So Carrie and I went to lunch after church, me still without cell phone. Afterwards, I drove us back to my apartment to run in and grab my phone before I dropped her off at home. I ran into my apartment, searched all the usual possible places to no avail. I ran back out to the car where Carrie was waiting. I told her to come in with me and call it, which we did again to no avail.

Finally, I conclude I must've dropped it in the snow...which was great because the plows went by right after I hopped in my car and drove away! I walked along where I was previously parked, looking in the snow hoping it would be comfortably laying somewhere as Carrie called it. Suddenly we heard ringing, and both began to laugh. "It's coming from the snow bank; the snow bank is ringing!" I couldn't help but comment. Carrie pointed down, "There it is, I see the lights!" (my phone has lights on the side that flash for calls, etc.). I began kicking through the snow bank trying to find it, only to realize it was right behind my foot. I picked it up, still ringing. It's perfectly fine. 

This is my life.