Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Another Break From Facebook

So here's the deal, at church on sunday the sermon was about fasting. It was not among my favorite sermons, but I understood they needed to plug for it with lent coming up and all. I was kinda zoney, not paying the best attention but then I forced myself to. The pastor talked about how fasting can take something in your life that is distracting and turn the focus away from that to God; it can shift your dependence. I thought about what I might give up for lent, not a 40 day food-fast because my stomach has been voicing its hunger very loudly, only at inconvenient times such as when I'm in a quiet lecture.

The first thing that came to mind for me was Facebook. It is so time consuming, even though it's mostly in little increments between other tasks. It's down right distracting! I think I could benefit from falling away from the social networking world (which is kind of ridiculous in the first place if you really think about it) and possibly actually keep up with the reading in my classes. That might also be a dream far too big...

And sometimes when I step back and look at how my generation is so wrapped up in it, it's kind of sad. I fear we are going to end up socially-retarded, as will our children. But that's a whole other issue.

If you'd like, you can follow my blog which is listed on my profile, as well as a documentary blog I have to do for one of my classes on my experiences at the U. That one might turn out to be pretty interesting (or pretty's a toss up with my writing, in my opinion). Also I have a flickr account for if I have photos that I need to post. I also have email listed on my facebook, the MSN or UMN are the best to reach me at. Also, my cell phone and anyone who should have that number does! So texts and calls, and voicemails :)

See you all on Good Friday? ...or is it Easter Sunday? Meh, sometime in there!

~"I'm just not the same, As I was a year ago and each minute since then..." - snow patrol~