Monday, February 09, 2009

Sometimes, you just need a hug.

Being sick doesn't make feeling lonely any easier. I just saw my family yesterday and you'd think it'd tide me over...nope. 3 hours is just not enough! Cause when I'm sick at home, my mom will always give me a hug anyways, which I think is crazy...but sometimes a hug makes it suck that much less.

I could use a mommy-hug right now.

I have this long list of people i miss, it's a poo! I'm having withdrawals, haha. People-withdrawals. It's like a bunch of people who I miss and would really like to see! Be warned, if we do succeed in a get together, I may be REALLY talkative...(to the point I actually annoyed my DAD the other day! ha, that never happens, someone talking enough to annoy the king of non-stop talking. I have achieved a form of greatness...)

Anywho, yeah, I just miss everybody! A lot :( <3

DISCLAIMER: I have to do these a lot, haha. I am not to be worried about, I'm just informing you people I miss put a little pressure on!