Thursday, January 22, 2009

...When In An Emotionally Fragile State

Note to self: Never watch "Grey's Anatomy" when in an emotionally fragile state.

I've had a headache each night, for the last 3 nights.

I hate the first week of classes; first impressions, syllabuses, & getting lost. The last is a new one, an addition which comes as a package deal with starting a university.

-First impressions, they are tricky, because I'm always really nervous, and i don't really do anything well when I'm nervous, but talk or think about how nervous I am. It's a problem, really.

-Syllabuses, (and yes it's either buses or bi, google it) I hate getting a syllabus and going over it because my brain goes immediately into a state of worry over how I will ever be able to accomplish all of this in a 5 month span of time. It's horrifying to be bombarded with that much expectation at once, even if none of it is expected of you quite yet. Worst phrase for a professor to utter on the first day: "So start thinking about your final now...". Too much potential to be stressed laid out in front of me for my brain to handle.

-Getting lost, so far, not so bad. Give it time. I get lost EVERYWHERE I go, the only place I haven't gotten lost in a while is Bloomington, and there I only get lost in the hoidy-toidy outskirts.

Life has just been repeatedly and relentlessly kicking me in the butt, and I'm sick of it! I'm thoroughly convinced it's the fault of January, too. Yes, the month of January is the evil culprit and I cannot wait for it to be over! I can't wait til spring is here again :)

Til then, Coldplay, chocolate, and my friends are going to be holding me together <3