Friday, January 09, 2009

La Musique Francaise

iTunes has this genre "French Pop", and sometimes I like some of the french music I hear, so every once and a while I work my way through part of the list to see if there's anything good. It's so funny cause so far (at least to my understanding) French music can be subcatergorized. The catergories are songs that fall under one of the three following: songs that are slow, jazzy and sad regardless of the actual lyrical context; songs that have an accordion in them (which can be done well, but in most of this music is not); and lastly, songs that have the same awful keyboard piano in them, the one that kind of sounds like those toy ones you get a six year old for their birthday. There is the occassional band that is the exception and has none of these (or uses the accordion appropriately), and that exception is basically a catergory of its own, it usually can be described as french punk rock.

My theory is the French are too stubborn to listen to what's popular in the U.S., simply because they dislike us and are so extremely set on holding onto their culture, which I'm assuming this [mostly] horrible music is a part of. Just one of the many reasons they are so loveable ;)