Thursday, January 08, 2009

Little freak outs about my life...just the usge (how do you spell that?)

I kept thinking of things i wanted to put on facebook when i didn't have internet access. Now my mind is kind of blanking. I'm having little freak outs, that's why.

See, i had orientation today, and so i'm having a little freak out about that. I am dumb enough to choose a major that you have to keep a 3.0 and gain admission to! Ha! They even told us, if we were interested in a different major, we probably wouldn't be getting the speech on applying to a major. So funny, I'm actually that stupid. I have to keep up a 3.0 this semester at a new school, something I'm probably capable of, but haven't very often so far in my college career. Good luck. On top of that, I'm taking 3 journalism classes all in a row, mondays wednesdays and fridays, 10 to 1 (i think that is). I have to get A's or B's in those classes, because to be considered for the major they look at that too. Go figure.

Also, i got a little scared walking around at the U. It was confusing. I could probably walk around Normandale with my eyes closed, and now there's this.

This is very typical of me, though. But i promise my whole first semester I will be continually getting lost and probably really stressed out. Luckily I'm not even sure i'll have a job in a month, not that i have much of one right now; so I'll have (hopefully,) enough time for my buttload of journalism classes (granted i get over my procrastination problem). The one fun part will be that to apply for the major i have to write a statement of interest. Only someone who loves writing and wants a career in it, would look forward to an interest statement. I like interest statements. All i have to do is say what I think, and be eloquent about it (which despite my blogging, i am capable of achieving eloquency in writing.

I'm considering a French minor. Heck, maybe Art. Art could be fun. But if I do french, I'm more of an asset as an employee....hmmm, I've got to think on this.

We still don't have internet at the apartment because i discovered it's ridiculously expensive, so i'm going to try to buy it off our neighbors. haha. I'm cheap, and poor.

I just hope i don't regret this in approximately 2 years when I don't know what to do with my degree and i'm living at home trying to fight of the debt collectors with nothing but my weak fists.
( I need to get my overdramaticness out somewhere . . . plus, these are the irrational thoughts in my head )

They come out in little burts. And make no sense.

By the looks of this, i doubt anyone would predict me to be a journalism major. HAHa! on that note, my parking meter is running out...sadly, cause i have nice warm cup full of tea right next to me.
