Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The Sounds of The City

Having lived my whole life (up until recently, of course) in the same house near the freeway, I've always oddly found traffic noises comforting. Obviously, not rush-hour honking, just the constant rush I can hear in the distance when I have my bedroom windows open in the summer. Even the much more far distant sound of sirens in the middle of the night. I don't know why, I love those sounds.

Not unlike when I'm in the downtown of a city, I love that feeling of knowing there are thousands of people just buzzing about their day around me. It's part of the atmosphere, and I don't know why I just love it. It's probably due to the fact that I'd rather be with someone sitting silently, than be alone altogether. I have no idea why, it's just much more comforting.

Then, [just to contradict myself] if I were say, on top of a mountain anywhere in Colorado just taking it in, I wouldn't so much mind being alone...but I'm sure I'd probably still be a little bothered at the idea of something bad happening and being alone. Haha, but my irrational fears aside, I could enjoy beautiful nature alone and be okay with it. I will never be a country girl though.

I guess it's the comfort of knowing there are other people living life too, which sounds all too obvious, but I don't care. Sometimes the simplest things in life can blow your mind if you stop to think about it for a bit (with me, usually too long, lol).