Sunday, April 06, 2008

You KNOW life is good . . .

When you've got a yummy cup of coffee in your hand, you know life is good...

When you're surrounded by those close to you, you know life is good...

When you've got a pile of clothes and nothing to wear, you know life is good...

When you've got a song in your head, you know life is good...

When you finally come to terms, you know life is good...

When you've got uncontrollable contagious laughter, you know life is good...

When you're greeted by an ecstatic little smile at the end of the day, you know life is good...

When you're driving down an open highway with corn fields on either side, the windows open and the wind on your face, you know life is good...

When you're dancing alone to the blaring music with no inhibitions, you know life is good...

When you're in the middle of a really great hug, you know life is good...

When you take the first bit of a chocolate bar, you know life is good...

When you smile at a child and they giggle, you know life is good...

When you wake up from a nice long nap, you know life is good...

When you're sitting and talking with someone you love at sunset, you know life is good...

When you're standing on a hilltop with your eyes closed and the sun shining on your face, you know life is good...

When you feel God in every aspect of your life, you know He is good... is good