Sunday, April 20, 2008

A few things i'm currently annoyed with

A few things that i hate:

~ When people judge me because of my age, not choosing to look at my personality and who i really am

~ When girls call their boyfriends "the boy", um...he has a name, doesn't he?

~ When people complain about their perfectly sufficient lives, you have a lot, don't whine that your life sucks!

~ Getting up at the butt-crack of dawn, not even; it's long before sunrise. It's evil.

~ When people undermine my authority, if i have any (various situations)

~ When people diss on my friends and/or family without my permission. That's a big no-no.

~ When i say something and it has a different meaning than i would like it to.

~ Eating dinner at 7:30 or later.

~ When my dad is pessimistic, or anyone important to me for that matter.

~ Loosing socks. Or socks that never again find their mates, UGH!

~ Sunday night drivers. Seriously, they all suck. It's apparently the prime time to go out and drive 60 in the fast lane of a marked 65MPH.

~ Headaches.

~ Bias referees. They should all get fired, and then see what good that experience is for finding a job, especially after having favor when you're not supposed to! Jerks.

~ Homework that's due on a all. friday after class through monday morning before class...NO HOMEWORK SHOULD BE DUE! It is quite positively, the worst thing ever.

~ People who hate on the religious. Why can't you let someone be religious without attacking them.

~ Mondays. Let's just be real about this, they suck.

~ People who are two faced, or even fakers for that matter. Just be yourself! For THE love! Some people are in my face and annoying, but even then most people how ever they may be, i don't hate them or even really dislike them. I just don't like them. I won't waste my time trying to befriend someone i don't like. But i won't be mean either. What's the point in pretending to be someone you're not, if people stick around long enough they'll learn who you really are.

That's my rant for the night because i'm cranky and tired.