Saturday, March 02, 2013

Thought Purge

Let's face it, nobody's saying it, but I'm sure more than one of us is thinking it: Taylor Swift's music sucks. It's garbage. "22"? I'm 22, and I feel not only embarrassed that that's what people think of me when they learn my age, but degraded. (Hipsters are not a Halloween costume, Taylor, they're real people...real pretentious people, but real people nonetheless!) I can't help it, it's just how I feel. The disclaimer must be highlighted, this is just my opinion...but I also probably can't take your music taste seriously if you genuinely like her music for anything more than...nope. Nothing.

Radio commercials that are [not cleverly] disguised as actual songs, are on my top least favorite things ever. Sometimes I don't even know why I listen to the radio; I feel like it's ruining my life. Mostly when I hear Jared commercials, or the jingle about fish mcnuggets. For there is no more eloquent way to sum up my feelings on this: blech.

Philip Glass + Pandora + red= my ultimate relaxation? I guess I'm not helping by writing. But I know that I am, because it's my de-stress method. Word vomiting it all out - whether by written word or spoken. And then shed it by sleep.

Do you ever just want to PIT douchey drivers? No? Just me? Hmm...I think it'd be nice. Just like, oh, you think driving like an asshole (yes, this is me saying this...) cause you're cool is really worth risking people's lives, or the normalcy of them, for? Really? Cause for me, a little swerve to the left or right, and you'd know the real answer to that, real quick. Ugh. Commuting is also, apparently, ruining my life, too. I think the freeway is the hardest place for me to have grace for mankind...and thus, potentially my greatest hypocrisy is exemplified.

But then this morning on my way to work, I just saw this nerdy looking hipster (hey, Taylor...yeah, what? 22? Shut up.) dancing his scrawny little heart out to whatever music he was listening to, while driving down 62 in his hybrid. And it just made me laugh. Thank you, Hipster, wherever you are.

Fred Astaire is just so charming. What is it about him? Roommates and I just watched "Funny Face" with Audrey Hepburn, and we all agreed his face is funnier than hers...but what's not to love about Fred? Song dance AND wit - where do I sign up?

I know how to be a kiss-up when I want to be, but I don't know how not to be when I want to be. It's a problem sometimes.

As a woman, dressing up for work even though you don't have to makes coming home feel all the more like an accomplishment to be proud of; peeling off your heels like you just saved the world, but now you're off the clock, so it doesn't matter if an asteroid is headed for earth, your feet are sore!