Friday, May 02, 2008

...And So Here I Find Myself

I think i've been a little misunderstood through my writing as of late. I have never been one without hope, and so i write:

It's funny how even when life tries to get me down, i always have this feeling of light at the end of the tunnel; this sort of "it's all gonna turn out alright" feeling. I've never been one to be hopeless. I know God has a plan, i just have no patience in waiting to discover it. I don't want to waste time on all this pointless stuff. I just want to jump right in.

I'm not usually the type to get annoyed or anxious about getting lost. If i feel as though i'm in another state unintended, then i worry. Otherwise, it's just getting lost. But when it comes to God's plan, i don't want to waste time getting lost. I'd rather just take the correct route the whole time.

I just have days, like everyone else, in which i get a little down. Those days for me, are usually not as bad either because i tend to be a bit more optimistic than most normal people. That's just what i'm told.

I'm trying to learn more about myself, with each passing day too. Causse i think, if i don't know myself really well, how can anyone else? I just have to find a way to stop being misinterpreted. That's what gets me, I really don't have bad intentions all that often (unless i'm driving, i do have a tish bit of road rage, but doubt i'd ever act on it). And i know, that's warm and fuzzy for some people to hear but they won't buy it. I don't think that just because most of the world isn't trust worthy we should judge everyone by the same measure.

That is actually one of my pet peeves, that people can be judged all by the same reference point. It cannot be done! God made us as individuals! People tend to judge all people the same, and i've been getting a little annoyed with that.

Like just because i'm in high school doesn't mean i'm some ignorant teen, although i'm sure in some ways i am. But i'd like to think i'm a little more mature than that. It also doesn't make me an idiot, or any less of a person. In approximately a month, i will be a high school grad and have 2 years of college done, so then what does that say about me?

Hence why i avoid, at all costs, telling people my age and my grade etc. It's not worth it cause it seems that i loose respect the minute they find out.

Anyways, the original reason i wrote this was to set the record straight, i am in no way shape or form a pessimist and would like to inform all that i just need to vent via a blog. So here i find myself.